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Soluciones MYSPHERA

Today most countries in Europe are recovering from the terrible period of COVID-19 crisis. After these tense and uncertain weeks marked by the pandemic and constant emergency, we are coming back to some degrees of the ancient normality. However, it is obvious for everybody that things will never be the same.

After the feeling of relief, each sector dedicates now time to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their internal processes and organizations, in order to be able to build or adopt rapidly, resilient, agile and responsive structures and systems to be in capacity to face any future crisis.

All economic sectors have been strongly impacted and are concerned with but, health structures, which are strategic and which were, during several weeks, under strong pressures and in the front line, generate strong awaitings.

Digitalization and automatization of processes have been presented as possible solutions. However, very few hospitals in the world have adopted extensively these concepts. Therefore it is difficult for sanitary entities to obtain a clear view and then, to decide which digital solutions are the most suitable for their needs and internal organization.

In MYSPHERA, we have been working for more than 10 years in the digital, IoT and geolocation fields dedicated to health sector. And, because we have had always close relationships with our customers, who are our main sources of innovation and of development for the new functionalities, we understand their questionings, fears and needs.

By the experience and feedbacks obtained from our clients, we are convinced that our digital platform, taking profit of the better of BLE and IoT technologies, can answer the current challenges by its conception, which makes it flexible, adaptable and a significant support for the medical professionals, as underlined by the IS and process manager of our French client the Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph (GHPSJ), Mr. Devocelle (testimony made on 4th, June 2020 – translated from French with Mr. Devocelle’s agreement):

“Paris Saint-Joseph hospital group (GHPSJ) got involved very early on in the overhaul of its patient journey in ambulatory surgery. We are convinced that achieving the target of a 70% rate of ambulatory surgery by 2022, while preserving the quality of care and our financial balance, is only possible with the perfect control of patient flows. The reorganization of our processes in this direction is a permanent work, at the same time organizational, human but also technical.

The increasing complexity and diversification of ambulatory surgery are also challenges for caregivers and managers. These reach such a level that the use of digital technology becomes essential.

For these reasons, we wanted to invest in a geolocation solution for the follow-up of our ambulatory patients, such as that proposed by MySphera. Indeed, it allows all actors in the care chain to share and have access, in real time, to all essential updated information on the care path of each patient. For our institution, this also opens up the possibility of tracking each downtime in order to analyze it, make corrections and, thus, improve the service rendered to the patient.

Ambulatory surgery is a surgery of excellence, organized over a very short time and subject to many hazards and constraints. Also, so that our health professionals can guarantee this excellence, without overloading activity and, dedicate most of their energy and know-how to it, it is our duty to offer them the best of digital tools.”

Because we believe in the importance of real examples to illustrate our assertions, we have decided, during this period of recovery, to present you how our solution ORVital has allowed our customers to maintain or restart their activities rapidly with agility and flexibility, while managing the crisis consequences.

The following use cases will be presented:
• The crisis management in the Ambulatory Surgery Unity in our French customer, the Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph (GHPSJ) located in Paris, where the solution ORVital 4.0 has been running since 2019. The activity was stopped, during the peak of the COVID crisis, from 23rd, March to 03rd, May. All had to restart rapidly on 04th, May in a particular context : reduced number of medical professionals, sanitary obligations (disinfection process, distance between people, ), reorganization of ambulatory programming and constant changing in OR planning. We have chosen to present this use case in 4 parts in order to introduce you an overview of ORVital solution and different points of view and feedbacks on it (medical professionals, executive managers and IT department successively).
• The crisis management in OR in our Spanish customer Vall d’Hebron.

We will show how ORVital:
• Allows quick handling thanks to its intuitive and tactile user interfaces, using buttons, colors, widgets.
• Allows to manage a rapid return to normality, despite additional constraints and hazards in the activity, while maintaining a high level of quality of care and security.
• Allows to manage rapidly any changes in programming and planning,
• Can be rapidly adapted to medical teams’ needs, emerging from the current situation.
• Allows to locate and trace each patient in order to provide him with services and care of quality at any time and, a secured journey.
• In case of contagious disease, allows to identify rapidly the areas and people, which have been in contact with the patient and eventually contaminated,
• Allows to manage, in real time, the flux of patients and, the availability and assignation of resources (OR, box, beds) (porters, cleaners).
• Allows an efficient sharing of updated information between all stakeholders without contact and additional work.
• Allows a distant and efficient collaboration between all stakeholders (managers, nurse, porters, cleaners,..).
• Allows to communicate adequately and remotely with family without any additional effort from the medical professionals.
• Allows to help professionals to manage the process changes generated by additional constraints and hazards.
• Allows to manage efficiently and precisely the cleaning/disinfection process from a distant location.
• Allows to have, in real time and remotely, a global overview on the status of patients and of any types rooms (OR, box,…) – free/occupied, clean/dirty/in process.
• Allows to generate reliable and unbiased reportings and KPIs, without additional effort in order to have a global view on the activity and the care path of patients.



▶ The Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph (GHPSJ) Use Case: Continue reading here


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