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After more than a year living with a global pandemic, if there is one clear lesson to be learned, it is that society has evolved. A social, economic, and political paradigm change in which technology has played a key role. In the most complicated situations, technology became an element that has kept us united, become our work tool at home, and be a protective shield for many of those exposed on the front line. A context that has led the healthcare sector to accelerate its evolution and face the technological changes that the current times demand.

While it is true that there is still a long way to go in healthcare digitalization, the fundamentals have been set and in many cases have even been the “lifeline” for healthcare centers and their professionals. As Ruth Cusco, managing director of ASHO, co-organizer of the Best Spanish Hospital Awards, explains: “Technology has been a great ally for the pandemic issue, as it has helped to make processes faster and more efficient”. In addition, the ASHO director points out that an investment of 8,000 million euros has been made, which is 12% more than in 2019.

In this regard, the SEIS 2020 Index, developed by the Spanish Society of Health Informatics, has just been launched. This document provides a detailed study of the state of healthcare investment in ICT.

This annual report highlights the growth of investment in new technologies (ICT) throughout 2020, with an overall budget of 783,553 thousand euros for all the Autonomous Regions. This figure represents an increase of 10.77% with respect to 2019.

In addition, ICT spending per person focused on supporting the protected population increased by 10.37% compared to 2019.

A budget that, as we have previously mentioned, was allocated to cover the healthcare needs caused by the pandemic, such as greater digital healthcare, the technological evolution of certain processes to make them safer, more efficient, and reliable, data automation, etc.

The Fenin (Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies) President also expressed her thoughts in this regard during a conference entitled ‘The Digital Transformation of Healthcare’. Mª Luz López-Carrasco emphasized that those systems that are committed to innovation and digitalization “are the most resilient from a socio-health and economic point of view”.

A healthcare advance experienced during the pandemic is truly important and which many medical centres now consider essential to be able to continue to carry out their healthcare work in the best possible way. The digital transformation has only just begun and the possibilities offered by technology such as RTLS or IoT are immense.

An example of this is MYSPHERA’s solution, ORvital, designed to make visible, improve and enhance the efficiency of the Surgical Block.

A tool that is not only capable of evolving the healthcare system, but also of helping with a current obstacle such as the excessive waiting lists.

Would you like to know more about ORvital?
ORvital: Tracing the path back to normality in hospitals
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