News Why does the NHS need urgent help from technology? The pandemic has put health systems under strain.…Mireya Lázaro27/07/2022
NewsTechnology Technology, the key to ending waiting lists Original article published by Redacción Médica To stabilize…Mireya Lázaro04/07/2022
MYSPHERANews Redacción Médica & MYSPHERA Conference | Value-based public procurement Health sector experts point to public procurement in…Mireya Lázaro29/06/2022
News Redacción Médica & MYSPHERA Conference: Specialists analyse how to reduce waiting lists through innovation During the conference 'Lean Healthcare: the value of…Mireya Lázaro29/06/2022
News Redacción Médica & MYSPHERA Conference: “The ‘mismatch’ between processes and registration undermines the operability of hospitals” Last Tuesday we held, in collaboration with the…Mireya Lázaro28/06/2022
News The 16th ‘Fundación Signo’ Conference stresses the need to modernise healthcare management From 25 May to 27 May we had…Mireya Lázaro27/06/2022
News MYSPHERA & Redacción Médica Conference: ‘Lean Healthtech: the value of time in operating theatres’ 👥 MYSPHERA CONFERENCE AT THE REDACCIÓN MÉDICA DIGITAL…Mireya Lázaro12/06/2022
News Redacción Médica Interview | José Antonio Delgado, ICT expert, says MYSPHERA’s technology reduces administrative tasks Technology and digitalization have been present in the…Mireya Lázaro30/05/2022
Innovation vCare Final Open Event: 29 – 30 August 2022 The European project in which MYSPHERA participates, vCare,…Mireya Lázaro16/05/2022