Technology Technology and health, a life-saving combination If there is one thing that has accelerated…Mireya Lázaro27/07/2021
News The European project ODIN launches its “Hospital of the Future 360º webinar series” Thanks to the great work developed by our…Mireya Lázaro22/07/2021
Our Solutions MYSPHERA, the Spanish company able to clear surgical waiting lists This article was published in the ATUSALUD special…Mireya Lázaro30/06/2021
News MYSPHERA and Schneider Electric join efforts to increase performance and energy efficiency of the surgical suite • MYSPHERA and Schneider Electric unite their solutions…Mireya Lázaro30/06/2021
News ‘VBHC Thinkers Magazine’ publishes our article about our IoT-RTLS Solution ORvital The VBHC awards magazine published in its latest…Mireya Lázaro29/06/2021
Lean Healthcare The evolution towards the ‘Liquid Hospital’ and the role of technology in the process Healthcare digitalization is not a recent development. Technology…Mireya Lázaro14/06/2021
Innovation Update June 2021 vCare project MYSPHERA has always been strongly linked to innovation.…Mireya Lázaro31/05/2021
News Healthcare digitalisation, what is the current state of technological transformation in the Spanish National Health System? After more than a year living with a…Mireya Lázaro31/05/2021
Our Solutions Vall d’Hebron Hospital becomes a case study for MYSPHERA’S Patient Flow Solution A recent study carried out for the European…Mireya Lázaro21/05/2021
News 70% of non-essential surgeries cancelled after one year of pandemic in Spain Sources: Las Provincias / La Vanguardia / El…Mireya Lázaro17/05/2021