Universitat Politècnica de València and the company Mysphera have received the “Best success case 2018” award at the 2018 BPM Conference, one of the most important events in the world on business processes.
The award recognizes the “revolutionary model” proposed by both entities for the management of health processes. Her success story is based on “Value-based Healthcare” or “Value-based medical care”, a new paradigm focused on optimizing healthcare processes by focusing on what is offered to patients. In other words, it is a concept of health completely oriented to health outcomes and not in other types of values, such as the number of assistances, with which traditional evidence-based medicine was worked with until now. One of the most important barriers of this new paradigm is the ability to measure real health processes. This is the challenge accepted by Mysphera and the UPV, which is bearing fruit in reference hospitals such as the Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona.
Mysphera is a leading company in Europe in IoT technology for hospital environments based on real-time localization systems (RTLS). The company is responsible for “Hospital Process Manager (HPM)”, a new concept that goes a step further in terms of traditional RTLS technology and that allows the automated management of sanitary processes through traceability data and state logic. With Mysphera’s technology you can know the real performance in the processes and optimizations can be applied to improve them, and so on in future iterations. Shorter waiting times In its management model, one of the keys is the “Palia Suite” tool. Developed by the UPV, it is able to represent workflows graphically comparing the processes designed with the real execution of them and highlighting the characteristics of the process. It uses heat maps that allow evaluating the sequencing of processes and algorithms that lead to discovering the types of processes that occur in health organizations. “That translates into a more efficient health management by detecting bottlenecks in the care processes for its improvement and allowing measuring the impact of these improvements, which supposes, for example, that the patient perceives in the form of shorter waiting times”, concludes Carlos Fernández Llatas, researcher of the Sabien-ITACA group of the Universitat Politècnica de València.