Thanks to the great work developed by our Chief Innovation Officer, Sergio Guillén, involved in other important European initiatives such as one of the largest IoT project from EU H2020 program, ACTIVAGE, MYSPHERA is part of this important research initiative framed in the EU Horizon 2020 plan.
The pandemic has highlighted the real need to improve efficiency, productivity, quality of care, and, of course, safety in hospitals. All of this without affecting the work of professionals and optimizing resources to the maximum. In order to meet this challenge, the European Commission has invested 40 million euros in a dedicated call. A call in which one of the projects developed and led as Deputy Project Coordinator by our colleague Sergio Guillén was selected.
The ODIN (Open-Digital-Industrial and Networking) project, whose lines of research will be developed over 4 years, aims to use robotics, Artificial Intelligence, IoT and other key technologies to improve the optimization of information flows through hospital, clinical and management processes in order to improve efficiency, patient safety and hospital digitalization.
Within this framework, one of the first actions is the launch of its first series of webinars: The Hospital of the Future 360º webinars.
The aim of creating this challenging program is to generate a professional forum to share the vision, opinion, and ideas of the Future Hospital community to enrich the ODIN concept and discover opportunities for collaboration.
For this first action, Sergio Guillén has elaborated the webinar #0 where he explains more about the ODIN Project and the aim of the different webinar sessions inside the webinar series program.
Play WEBINAR #0 – The ODIN Project
The first official webinar will take place on 23rd July 2021 from 11.30am. to 1pm. (CEST) which will be dedicated to the topic Integrated Robotics.
In order to attend this seminar, just follow this link to register.
Webinar #1 abstract: Over the last years, AI-enabled data science and analytics have transformed healthcare robotics, expanding their physical capabilities and the range of applications. Therefore, integrated robotics, applied to the healthcare scenario, is now transforming how medical practices are performed, automatizing and optimizing supply delivery and disinfection, and freeing up time for practitioners to socially engage with patients.
In the first webinar organized by the ODIN EU project, a broad view on state-of-the-art healthcare robotics and “what’s next” will be presented and discussed with worldwide leaders in the medical robotics sector from both academia and industry.
➡ Learn more about the webinar series
We are very proud that our colleague Sergio Guillén can continue adding in the field of IoT technology applied to healthcare and that, thanks to his extensive experience in this field, we can be present in major European advances. |