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How technological solutions such as MYSPHERA’s can offer a fundamental element to humanize healthcare, time to dedicate to the most important aspect: the patients.

Patients experience the most critical moments in the hospital. In this situation, what people need most is empathy and understanding, to feel listened to and cared for. And precisely, to take this step further is to achieve the humanization of healthcare.

A concept that not only advocates more conscious care for patients, but also for their relatives and, of course, to improve the experience of the key element of healthcare, the professionals.

A humanization of healthcare that has been gaining strength over time, but which, to a certain extent, thanks to the pandemic, has accelerated. This extreme situation has highlighted the need to transform the relationship between medical staff and patients, to be able to provide a coordinated response that covers all healthcare needs. In fact, among some of the latest measures promoted in this sense is the Decree 72/2021, of 15 June 2021, of ‘organization of the organizational structures and coordinated management of the actions of humanization of healthcare and socio-health care in Castilla La Mancha’, which emphasizes the importance of “promoting an attitude based on respect for the person and their dignity and implementing measures of humanization of healthcare and socio-health care aimed at the general population, the most vulnerable groups and also at healthcare professionals”.

As recent years have gone by, the vision of the hospital has evolved throughout history. In the early days it was seen as a place where the only requirement was that it should serve the needs of the healthcare professional. However, this vision has gradually been transformed and humanized, putting the focus on the user. And the fact is that, given the progressive ageing of the population, this space will become a regular place to visit.

A situation that promotes the creation of spaces based on three fundamental pillars: health safety, the wellbeing of professionals and patients, and digitalization.

Three pillars in which the main weight must fall on the latter, as it becomes a catalyst for the rest.

You cannot change a patient’s need to go to the healthcare center, but you can improve their experience, their safety, and that of the medical professionals and, in short, increase the wellbeing produced by efficient, quality healthcare, through technology.

In fact, beyond dehumanizing healthcare, technology, and digital solutions are capable of tackling obstacles that do dehumanize healthcare, such as waiting lists.

The fact of not being able to be treated when it is necessary due to a lack of resources to carry out interventions at the same time they are requested is, without a doubt, a decrease in the quality of care. In this situation, to be able to provide hospitals with specific solutions that provide them with tools for comprehensive care is, precisely, to humanise and improve healthcare.

And that improved experience begins from the moment the patient enters the hospital until he or she leaves, taking advantage of technologies such as electronic devices, tablets, wireless communication networks, …

The linking of patients and professionals through communication elements make it possible to monitor the status of patients from anywhere in the hospital and the different tasks and processes required. And even going a step further, eliminating manual tasks and notifications, converting them into automations that are sent to the right person at the right time.

In short, the humanization of healthcare is not simply a small tweak on the elements we currently have, but a complete transformation of the spaces that contribute and think of all its users, from patients to professionals.

When it comes to saving or improving the lives of patients, nothing should matter more than time. That is why at MYSPHERA we work every day to create and develop those solutions that are capable of automating, simplifying, and streamlining healthcare flows and therefore offering them the most precious commodity: time.

How can our solutions deliver that time? Discover the benefits of ORvital and STELA.

Save time.
Improve care.