The automatic, intelligent and multipurpose platform that combines IoT-RTLS technology to improve patient safety and efficiency in the Surgical Block through real-time location and visualization of surgical patient-flow
Throughout February, the University Hospital Virgen de Valme in Sevillecompleted the implementation of the patient identification, location and traceability system on the surgical block. Providing two fundamental benefits:
• Optimising the efficiency and work-flow of the surgical block and its professionals.
• Providing data transparency, minimizing stress for relatives and saving time for ORs personnel.
The surgical ward is undoubtedly one of the most important and sensitive areas in the hospital environment. Not only because of the complexity of the surgical operations but also because of the uncertainty that these operations entail for patients and their families. With the MYSPHERA solution, the professionals at the Hospital de Valme have an advanced tool that allows them to have an exhaustive control of the status of the operating theatres, the real-time location of the patients and the status of each one of them.
The system also makes it possible to locate available equipment, saving time and improving the care process. On the other hand, relatives will have real-time access to the status of their loved one’s process at all times, both inside and outside the hospital, via information screens in the waiting room or thru the “Virtual Waiting Room App”.
Hows MYSPHERA solution work?
The system works through Bluetooth beacons installed on the ceiling of the different monitoring areas on the Surgical Block. Those beacons receive the signal from the digital wristbands that each patient receives on their arrival to the hospital.
At the same time as the wristband is received, an identification code is assigned that allows both family members and professionals to identify the patient with different levels of information access.
The signal received by the patient’s positioning beacons is translated into statuses such as ‘Preparation’, ‘Operating theatre’, ‘Post Anesthetics’, etc. This information is available to professionals, who receive it together with data relating to the equipment needed for the process, patient’s time within a specific state or even allows them to generate alerts or send informative messages to relatives thru our “Virtual Waiting Room App” or use information screens installed in the waiting room area with information of the process in real-time on-site or in-home.
The Hospital of Valme in Seville takes another step forward in the evolution of patient care by including in its strategy a fundamental technology tool hand in hand with MYSPHERA. In this way it joins the family of healthcare facilities that have opted for digitalization, achieving important results such as those obtained by the Vall d’Hebron hospital:
• Surgical performance improvement after the implementation of our solution of more than 10% from the first year; this equates to one year with thirteen months of operation, compared to the number of surgeries in previous periods.
• The starting time ratio of interventions has been reduced by 35 minutes.
• The occupancy rate of PACU beds increased from 65% in 2017 to 81% in 2019.
• The ratio of surgery prolongations was reduced by 50%.
These figures show that the evolution of healthcare must go hand in hand with technology, giving acute data transparency, safety, quality, and, above all, peace of mind to professionals, patients, and their families.